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Sunshine and Great Food at the Junior's BBQ

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

The Junior parents organised a fantastic lunchtime BBQ Sunday 11 September 2022

MBC Chairman Guy Leppard reflects on the day

📸Ali Frost

The Junior BBQ proved a wonderful opportunity for all members to mingle and enjoy great food: salads and a fabulous MBC cake! It was also a great opportunity to reflect upon the juniors rowing highlights: winning the Victor Ludorum at Kingston Regatta, medals at National Schools Regatta, Junior representation at Coupe de la Jeunesse and Home International Regatta, medals at the CanAmMex International regatta and representation at Junior Worlds for Team USA.

Members from across the club were able to relax and mix - from J14 to Supervets; although it was a little less relaxing for Captain Tom Middleton who in response to the realisation that one BBQ was not going to be enough to cater for the 100 tickets sold hurriedly assembled a flatpack BBQ - tightening the last screw before delivering his update on club news:

The Senior squad The Heineken Roeivierkamp, WINNING THE THAMES CHALLENGE CUP, U23 World Championship medals (with Franz coaching). The seniors are looking forward to the World Rowing Championships (18th-25th September in Racine, Czech Republic) where MBC is represented with 4 athletes!

The Explore group continues to grow in size and momentum and due to great coaching and it's enthusiastic members are entering and winning Explore racing events.

The Masters squad medalled at National Masters, Henley Masters and local events.

It was lovely to see so many people from across the club in a non-training, informal environment sitting and chatting together. Thanks to all who jumped in and helped. The weather was great and the food was beautifully prepared and cooked by junior parents volunteering their time to make the event a great success.

📸Ali Frost of Guy Leppard (MBC Chairman)

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