Ted Bates invites members to celebrate in the very pub in which MBC was founded in April 1866
Picture: Ted Bates
On April 12th 1866 a public meeting was called by a small number of Molesey residents who wanted to continue to row locally.
The meeting resoundingly expressed interest in founding a local rowing club, and so it was, that on April 26th 1866 a subsequent meeting in the Prince of Wales Hotel, Bridge Road, Molesey formally created Molesey Boat Club. Rumour has it that the club's founders were men turned away by Kingston Rowing Club, but this is not true. MBC was largely founded by property owners in Molesey, the owner of the mill, a lawyer, and established business owners.
The Prince Of Wales remains much the same as it was in 1866, though the stables are now part of the bar.
We will meet there this year on April 26th 2023 to recognise the Club's long successful history, to celebrate its current strength, and to confirm our determination for its future.
Come along from 6.30pm on April 26th for a drink and maybe a meal later on.